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Permaculture: Earth care, People care, future care

Permaculture: Earth care, People care, future care

A UK magazine in print since 1992 and available by digital subscription, Permaculture offers institutional subscribers access to over 28 Years of back issues search le by interest.

Print and digital subscribers can read free online our entire library of Back Issues at EXACT EDITIONS.

This is a visionary magazine that will give you the tools needed to create productive and resilient homes, gardens, economies, relationships, schools, farms and communities. Our range of articles includes no-dig gardening, food forests, cutting edge community projects, renewable technologies, regenerative agriculture, DIY projects, health and wellbeing. It is full of solutions, projects and pioneering ideas from the very best of the permaculture movement.

All print subscriptions come with FREE Digital and App access to all back issues searchable by subject, so that’s over 27 years of content at your fingertips. Subscribers also receive a free BONUS digital article with every issue and exclusive offers on books and products. It’s the ideal research tool for teachers, students, designers, practitioners and activists alike.

Published quarterly, this pioneering magazine is full of money saving ideas for your home, garden and community. It features thought provoking articles on:
• organic gardening 
• food & drink 
• renewable technology and green building 
• education, health and economics 
• transition towns and ecovillages 
• personal and community development 
• sustainable agriculture and agroforestry 
• and much more

It is also full of reviews of the latest books, dvds, tools and products, details of courses and access to contacts who will help you achieve your own goals and dreams.

Find out more

International Permaculture Day is an opportunity to showcase and celebrate the best of permaculture project all over the world demonstrating practical, effective and tested solutions to many of the world’s ecological problems.

Maddy Harland, Editor & Co-Founder of
Permaculture Magazine & Permanent Publications

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